For those looking for the extra edge in competition.

Barche da canottaggio Wintech Racing COBRA Barche da canottaggio Wintech Racing COBRA

The Medalist is designed for competitive athletes looking for an extra edge in competition.

This all unidirectional carbon, DuPont honeycomb core racing shell offers enhanced stiffness and performance over our International and Competitor models.


For competitive athletes and clubs

Barche da canottaggio Wintech Racing COBRA Barche da canottaggio Wintech Racing COBRA

The International is designed with the best price-value relationship in mind, for those just starting out to elite caliber athletes.

This dual carbon-laminated full DuPont honeycomb cored racing shell is a stiff yet durable high performance option. It offers the same (or better) material and construction methodology choices as other elite level boat builders but at a more affordable price.